Women’s Fellowship

Woman play a key role in the extension of the Kingdom of God. The Woman’s Fellowship of All Saints C.S.I Malayalam Congregation is an integral part of the church and takes a leading role in all its activities right from the inception of the church. The Woman’s Fellowship under the leadership of the church Vicar, the Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and committee members who are elected. Some of the activities which were carried out in the past are as follows.

Regular Bible Study were conducted every third Sunday after the worship service. Quiz Programs were held on a regular basis based on a particular book of the Bible. Chain prayer is an important element through which we all have experienced the power of the prayer. When there is an emergency for an member of the church – be it financial, health, educational needs, or anything else. We announce a chain prayer for one hour, wherein each woman would pray for 5 min based on the time slot given. We have witnessed the results and it encourages and edifies the woman folks.

It is a regular practice of the Woman’s fellowship to visit Orphanages, Old Age homes and Homes of the mentally retarded and physically challenged persons. Also our parish members who are old and sick and who cannot attend church services, Woman’s fellowship members visit them, spend time, and pray along with them. Our visits has been a source of encouragement to them. The WF members takes keen interest in attending South Zone Conferences organized by the Madhya Kerala Diocese. We were blessed to host the last conference in 2020 and it was a great success and a feather on our cap.

Harvest Festival is a time of great joy & fellowship. WF takes the lead on giving breakfast to the congregation. Further, they take an active role in putting up stalls of home-made products.

The other activities include conducting eye-camp, retreats, cooking demonstration, cake sale, food fest, financial assistance to our members who are in need.