Sunday School

Sunday School Anniversary – 2013

“But Jesus called the Children to him and said Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of god belongs to such as these.” – Luke 18:16

The Sunday school is an arm of the Christian education program of our church. It is meant to teach our next generation the infallible word of God. Our church is blessed with a well-organized and actively functioning Sunday school, even though we are small in number. We have students of age ranging from 3 years to 17 years and a group of volunteer teachers, who take special efforts to shape these young souls into unique individuals for Christ.

The Sunday School academic year is from January to December. Our Sunday School follows the syllabus prepared by the Christian Education Department of CSI MKD. Each lesson consists of a Bible reading, memory verse, a written activity, discussions, crafts and a closing prayer.

Sunday School Classes are held on every Sunday from 10:30 am – 11:15 am. The Sunday School begins after the Sunday Service with singing session followed by a devotion. Then the children disperses to their respective classes.

The classes are divided as follows: 

Sishuvakuppu (Beginner)
Balavakuppu (Primary)
Kumaravakuppu (Juniors)
Jeshtavakuppu (Seniors)

Yuvavakuppu (Super Seniors)

Every year VBS is conducted during the summer vacation. World Sunday school day and Balajana Perunnal are celebrated, on those day the students and teachers takes active role on the Sunday services. Also the Sunday school Anniversary is conducted every year during which the students and teachers of Sunday school are encouraged by awarding prizes based on their performance for the whole year.

Our Sunday School is continuing its mission and journey since the formation of the Church to mould the generation to shoulder the church in future.